Code of Conduct Violation Report
Employee Questions and Concerns
Stellar Precision Components welcomes your questions and comments and has created an interactive form below to make contacting us easier for you. Please complete all fields below with a (*) as they are required in order for the form to be sent. We respect your privacy while on our website and offer our privacy policy for your review.
If you observe or suspect any illegal or unethical behavior, you are expected to raise the issue to your manager or one of the other resources listed below.
In most cases, you should first contact your supervisor to raise your concerns. However, if you are uncomfortable talking to your supervisor, you can contact Human Resources. You also have the option to report concerns using our third-party provider, ADPs MyLife Advisor at (844) 448-0325.
In addition, employees may use the Department of Defense Inspector General (DoD IG) Hotline at to report issues related to fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement for programs and personnel under the purview of the U.S. Department of Defense.
If you choose to use this form, please refer to the Stellar Precision Components Code of Conduct for guidance in completing it. The information will be forwarded to the Stellar Human Resources Department.
Reporting options are always available, and all reports will be investigated thoroughly and confidentially.
Our website at, is available 24 hours, seven days a week.
ADPs MyLife Advisor is an independent third-party provider that will facilitate the documentation of your concerns and forward them to the appropriate compliance contact within Stellar Precision to address.
When making a report, you are encouraged to identify yourself. This is not a requirement. However, doing so facilitates communication and helps Stellar Precision resolve the situation. In the United States and elsewhere as allowed by local law, you may make a report anonymously. If you choose to report anonymously, it is important that you check back with your original reporting source as we may have posted additional questions to help us with our investigation or we may have provided feedback to you on your concern. Access to reported issues is restricted, secure and confidential in a manner consistent with conducting a thorough investigation and meeting any legal requirements. All issues are thoroughly investigated and, if appropriate, corrective actions are implemented.
There is no tolerance of retaliation for those employees who, in good faith, report possible ethics or compliance violations.
You can report suspected ethical violations in confidence and without fear of retaliation. Stellar Precision will not tolerate any retaliation against an employee who, in good faith, asks questions, reports possible violations of the Code, policy, or law, or participates in an investigation.
Reporting in “good faith” means making a genuine attempt to provide honest, complete, and accurate information, even if it later proves to be unsubstantiated or mistaken. Retaliation is a violation of our Code and knowledge or suspicion of retaliation should be immediately reported.